Wheatgrass Juices - Detoxify The Body

As an avid drinker of wheatgrass juice myself, I would thoroughly recommend it for giving you masses of energy, keeping you healthy, helping to lose weight, cleansing and a whole lot more.

Whether you're using the conventional or alternative methods, you will find that as cancer tumors break-up they can dump a load of acidic residue into the bloodstream, the liver must clean this residue out of the blood. The liver then discharges it through the bile ducts to the intestines for disposal. The liver needs to be cleansed with five liters of WheatGrass Powder water a day during this phase or it could get clogged with all of the debris. A completely clogged liver could kill you! So see a doctor and get your liver tested. Get check-ups weekly and ask your doctor about milk thistle for liver detox.

For example, wheatgrass has been around for thousands of years. In the Bible, King Nebuchadnezzar ate grass for seven years and it gave him mental clarity and restored his senses. (630-562 BC).

It has been used in the treatment of patients who have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses such as cancer: Ann Wigmore put wheatgrass on the map in the 1970s with her wheatgrass retreats where her and her colleagues helped people with terminal cancer return to health by having daily high doses of fresh wheatgrass juice.

Real people beating real cancer, it happens all the time! I'm here to tell you, YES, you can beat cancer, and the best way to get started is by working diligently to oxygenate your cells and blood by restoring them to a normal, slightly alkaline pH!

Did you know you can add practically any superfood to any meal for extra here nutrition? For example you can make a spirulina and olive oil salad dressing, put bee pollen and goji berries into your morning cereal, add green powder and maca root in your smoothies...(etc.) My little secret is that spirulina over air popped popcorn tastes amazing!

With all this information about Wheatgrass is it at all surprising you will find it as an ingredient in many juicing recipes and in the juice bars? You can usually purchase wheatgrass juice in health food stores and some stores sell freshly cut Wheatgrass that you can take home and juice yourself. Many people choose to purchase Wheatgrass in a powder or tablet form. You can drink the juice alone or mix it with other fruit or vegetable juices. Not all people like the taste of Wheatgrass juice all by itself I myself have found it to taste like chewing a fresh piece of grass from the lawn. It is a strong and probably acquired taste which leads many people to mix this juice with other vegetables. Vegetables such as Parsley, Celery, Alfalfa Sprouts or even Ginger and sometimes Garlic.

However, I then discovered the magic of freshly squeezed wheatrass juice, which is a beautiful superfood drink! The taste is so potent, unlike anything else imaginable! It almost tastes alcoholic because of its potency but it definitely feels healthy and has a sweet after taste. I was hooked and I am sure you will be too when you taste it and see the phenomenal effects it will have on your levels of vitality and health when taken regularly.

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